Jacobs Rubber-Flex Collet Chucks
Jacobs Rubber-Flex collet chucks include Die Grinder Chucks, Tap Chuck Collets. Die Grinder Collets and Lathe Chuck Collets.
 Compact tap chuck designed for use with rubber-flex collets holds mounted grinding burrs and rotary files on pneumatic and electric die grinders.
 Jacobs Rubber-Flex tap collets features parallel jaw insert surfaces that exert uniform, accurate gripping force up to three times greater than can be achieved with split-steel collets.
 Jacobs die grinder collets features parallel jaw insert surfaces that exert uniform, accurate gripping force up to three times greater than can be achieved with split-steel collets.
 Jacobs lathe chuck collets features parallel jaw insert surfaces that exert uniform, accurate gripping force up to three times greater than can be achieved with split-steel collets.
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